Sunday, February 18, 2007

All guys aren't dogs....just uninformed.

I have decided that I need to teach a class to Christian guys on how to treat ladies. I'm not talking about the open-the-door kind of stuff; I'm talking about the not-breaking-her-heart kind of stuff. And I'm not necessarily set on teaching the class myself, I just think somebody needs to do it and if no one will volunteer then I certainly will because I'm sick of listening to my girl friends upset over how a guy led her on, or got physically involved before emotionally committed, or couldn't communicate with her properly because he didn't want to be uncomfortable. Now, believe me, I know women are complicated creatures, so I'm not putting all the blame on the boys. But I think that the majority have no clue on how a woman works and they need someone to tell them so they quit hurting my friends. Now some of the lessons will be common sense to most of you, but you'd be surprised at the things some guys don't know. For instance, I recently heard a tale of a future pastor dumping a girl through a text message. Come on now. We can do better than this, men of God. Please start to think more about how the girl will feel if you behave a certain way, and, if in doubt as to what message you might be sending, ask another girl. Thanks. Love you guys!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Just wanted to let all of you (5 people) know that I finally got a job after over 6 months of searching. I will be working at Protection & Advocacy for People with Disabilities here in Columbia. I really felt like God wanted me to hold out for a job where I was really helping people, and I think this it exactly what He had in mind. There were a lot of times when I got discouraged, impatient, or wanted to settle, but God is faithful and HE IS GOOD. :) I'll let you know more about exactly what I'll be doing soon. Love you guys!