Monday, February 12, 2007


Just wanted to let all of you (5 people) know that I finally got a job after over 6 months of searching. I will be working at Protection & Advocacy for People with Disabilities here in Columbia. I really felt like God wanted me to hold out for a job where I was really helping people, and I think this it exactly what He had in mind. There were a lot of times when I got discouraged, impatient, or wanted to settle, but God is faithful and HE IS GOOD. :) I'll let you know more about exactly what I'll be doing soon. Love you guys!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is awesome. I admire what you'll be doing. I'm assuming it is the interview you wrote about not too long ago. I will pray that God will give you wisdom & keep you from getting burned out or burned up. (Just remember the burning bush-it never burned out or up.)
-(and there are more than 5 people.)

2:56 PM  

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